Good day , I wish I could support with this error that is generating me , according to a talk with a partner of this forum the error might be in the function declaration parseToXML so if someone has gone through a similar situation to them agradecere much I could support , thank you, greetings ! //Select all the rows in the markers table
$query=“SELECT*FROM cursos_promocion WHERE NombreCurso=’”.[TipoCurso]."’";
sc_select (result,$query);
sc_error_message (“Error on retrieve dates. Error message=”.{result});
header (“Content - type: string/xml”);
//Start XML file, echo parent node
echo ‘<markers>’;
//Iterate through the rows, printing XML nodes for each
while (!$result->EOF)
echo ‘<marker ‘;
echo ‘Plantel="’.parseToXML($result->fields[‘Plantel’]).’" ‘;
echo ‘Especialidad="’.parseToXML($result->fields[‘Especialidad’]).’" ‘;
echo ‘Latitud="’.$result->fields[‘Latitud’].’" ‘;
echo ‘Longitud="’.$result->fields[‘Longitud’].’" ‘;
echo ‘NombreCurso="’.$result->fields[‘NombreCurso’].’"’;
echo ‘/>’;
//End XML file
echo ‘</markers>’;