Fatal error: Cannot redeclare ..... in form app ????


This bug appear on last version in form app. In this app there HTML Image Field calling another form app in Link section :
Nothing is changed in apps , just generate the code and run !!!

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare form_fachotel_ini::$link_form_extcli_edit …

here are the lines in form_fachotel.PHP

var $sc_site_ssl;
var $link_form_extcli_edit;
var $link_grid_extcli_cons_psq;
var $link_form_extcli_cons_psq;
var $link_form_extcli_edit; <<<<<<<<<<<<<< duplicated line
var $link_form_fachotel_det_edit;
var $link_form_fachotel_tot_edit;
var $link_form_fachotel_inline;
var $nm_cont_lin;

Thanks to fix that asap

No idea ???

This looks like you have somehow caused two of the same links. So you better delete both of them and remake the one you wanted. Kind of odd tho.

I delete the link and form works but when after creating it again, get same error ???

This smells like a bug then. I hope scriptcase picks it up. I assume you are on the latest scriptcase version…