Fatal Error on Delete

I’m getting this error on one of my forms.

Fatal error: Call to a member function ini_controle() on a non-object

This is the line it mentions:

5382|      if ($bDelecaoOk)
5383|      {
5384|        $sDetailWhere = "client_id = " . $this->client_id . "";
5385|        $this->new_client_form->ini_controle();
5386|        if ($this->new_client_form->temRegistros($sDetailWhere))
5387|        {
5388|          $bDelecaoOk = false;
5389|          $sMsgErro  = $this->Ini->Nm_lang['lang_errm_fkvi'];
5390|        }
5391|      } 

Any thoughts? Yes, I have re-generated the code many times.

I’m really getting tired of having to code around SC mistakes and errors in what should already be working correctly.


Re: Fatal Error on Delete

Fatal error: Call to a member function ini_controle() on a non-object

This will have to be address by support direct, as there is no telling.
I would suggest deleting all the files in SC/tmp and generate again.

I’m really getting tired of having to code around SC mistakes and errors in what should already be working correctly.

Been there.


I’m having the exact same issue on Delete. Scriptcase 8, latest update.

PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function ini_controle() on a non-object in /home//public_html//form_/form_***_apl.php on line 6835

Tried cleaning the tmp folder and regenerating. Pulling my hair out over this one. Anyone have any new ideas?


Do you have any specific configuration in this form? What type of form? Single record? Have an event? Some method? If you create a new form without many configurations, works normal?

Thank you!

Yes … show the source code from line 6835 (and around).

I have had the same error. The issue in my case appears to be associated with a Master/Detail Form. If you hide a field or Block associated with one of the Details, this error occurs.
It appears that the objected associated with the “hidden” detail object is not created but the code still go through the steps to delete it (the call to ini_controle).

My work around until there is a fix is to delete the “unused” Details.

I have Ticket submitted.

[QUOTE=dczanik;30304]I have had the same error. The issue in my case appears to be associated with a Master/Detail Form. If you hide a field or Block associated with one of the Details, this error occurs.
It appears that the objected associated with the “hidden” detail object is not created but the code still go through the steps to delete it (the call to ini_controle).

My work around until there is a fix is to delete the “unused” Details.

I have Ticket submitted.[/QUOTE]

I will perform this procedure and try to simulate this problem. He is a master / detail simple or complex?

Thank you.

Regarding the main topic without details how to simulate the problem will not be able to help.

Again, thank you!

Thomas, thank you for responding to my post.

As I stated, I have already submitted a ticket and it has been forwarded to the
“bug team”.

I only posted in the hopes that my workaround might help others.