I’m getting this error on one of my forms.
Fatal error: Call to a member function ini_controle() on a non-object
This is the line it mentions:
5382| if ($bDelecaoOk)
5383| {
5384| $sDetailWhere = "client_id = " . $this->client_id . "";
5385| $this->new_client_form->ini_controle();
5386| if ($this->new_client_form->temRegistros($sDetailWhere))
5387| {
5388| $bDelecaoOk = false;
5389| $sMsgErro = $this->Ini->Nm_lang['lang_errm_fkvi'];
5390| }
5391| }
Any thoughts? Yes, I have re-generated the code many times.
I’m really getting tired of having to code around SC mistakes and errors in what should already be working correctly.