Feature request - Log module

please consider adding a feature to log SQL errors using the log module

currently we can log

  • Access - This event stores the information every time the application is accessed.
  • Insert - This event stores the information when inserting a record.
  • Update - This event stores the information when updating a record.
  • Delete - This event stores the information when deleting a record.

Please add fifth, ERRORS

this will make SC a beter tool , and allow us to support SC applications better , see errors that users experience.

Please DM if you need further assistance or info. Will be glad to help.


Yes I agree! Writing errors as and when they happen will be a great addition to the log module.

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Thanx man, yes indeed, make SC stronger!
by the way, SQL errors can be set on or off in the apps, however , if there are connection errors, those errors are still shown to the end user.
would be great to log also connection errors or wrong sql object names/non existing names.