Few questions about Scriptcase tool

Hy to everyone. I just started using Scriptcase 8.1. and I need help with answering few questions. If you have any useful link/book be free to write it down.
Be free to answer a question with short answers or if you think that it’s needed, with an explanation.

One more time in forward thank you on your time!

  1. Does the tool support a methodology for the development of IS?
  2. Does the tool support the methods and procedures for strategic planning of IS?
  3. Does the tool support the methods and procedures for process modeling?
  4. If there are models of the process, can the elements (constructors) be used in the next stages of development of IS?
  5. Does the tool support the methods and procedures for data modeling?
  6. If there are data models, can the elements (constructors) be used in the future stages of development of IS?
  7. Does the tool support designs for appearance (layout, outlook) and architecture software solutions - design a user interface?
  8. Does the tool has a data dictionary?
  9. Are there mechanisms of communication and coordination dictionaries and databases?
  10. Does the tool support the ability to create distributed database?
  11. Does the data dictionary contain a knowledge base of data, their relationships and individual display properties (methods behavior data on various input/output devices)?
  12. What is the underlying software architecture tools?
  13. Does the tool support mechanisms for compliance with standards that are essential for the technology used in the tool (eg, HTML5, CSS, W3C, XML, open market operations, SOA, SOAP)?
  14. Does the tool has a global structure components/objects that make up a software solution?
  15. Are there mechanisms for preserving links between components/objects in the software solution (broken links, other resources - DLL, OCX, js, media)?
  16. Is there a systematic link to related projects or other elements (dependences)?
  17. Does the tool include some / s framework?
  18. Is the structure of used frameworks in the tool visible, understandable, structured, systematized?
  19. Does the tool support GUI WYSIWYG mode of development?
  20. Does the tool allow the automatic creation of program code?
  21. Is it possible customize generated program code?
  22. Are there patterns to create objects/elements in a software solution?
  23. Does the tool support multi-user development project?
  24. Does the tool has a Version Control System?
  25. Does the tool support user feedback?
  26. Is there a bug report system?

To be honest, these are not the ‘simple’ questions about Scriptcase. Scriptcase is a php developmentsystem running in a browser. It generates applications usually based upon a database structure you provide. It’s a case tool and I tend to call it a digital lego system. It’s loaded of building blocks, but you need to put it together. It’s not a full ecosystem therefore lots of your questions simply don’t apply. In short: you develop on a high level of PHP as it is a case tool. You work in events and not on the bone of php with con- and destructors. It does have capabilities of formlayout but limited, it’s not wysiwyg. It has a data dictionary which is used for multilanguage purposes. As it’s php it supports all php has to offer including soap, but integration of third party libs is not always as easy. It supports multiuser (we have a 10 user licence) and it has versino control.
There are loads of video’s available and I advise you to look at them. They give a good insight of the (inner) working of scriptcase.
Hope this helps as these questions should not be asked on a user forum…

Tnx a lot, I saw video’s about guide for using scriptcase and they gave me answers on few questions. Sorry for missing place for asking this questions, I wasn’t really sure about it.