Field: File Download

A standard SC field where we can have a File be downloaded by the user.
Like a Help PDF or an Upload Template CSV file.

Currently you have to Upload one first to have it be downloadable, and adding Blank pages with header commands is a pain.

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For now you can use a label field with this code in the text field

<input type='button' onclick="location='../_lib/file/doc/filename.ext'" 
 class='scButton_default' value='CSV Template' formtarget='_blank'></button>

Awesome method… hadnt seen that one yet! Thanks!

I forgot to mention I dont want it to open in a New Window.
All the methods I have tried, the file opens in a new window and the user has to close the Blank window
I just want the file to go to their browser without opening a window.
Is this possible?

Answered my own question:

Make a label field and in the text box put this:
<a href="../path_to_your_file.pdf" download>Get File</a>

The ‘download’ part works in all except Edge