fields with auto text-completely if you type a value not in the archive , when you save the form data in the field is lost.
see image.
fields with auto text-completely if you type a value not in the archive , when you save the form data in the field is lost.
see image.
Well, that’s not a bug, that’s obvious.
If you doesn’t have that city in the cities table, the system doesn’t know what to save there.
sorry but the city exists in the database, it is chosen from the list proposed but typed exactly as it exists in the database.
and in any case even if the data does not exist in the lookup table should still be saved.
Have you tried to debug the SQL from the application using debug mode?
Bernhard Bernsmann
Debug is ok, query is ok.
I meant to ask you how is scriptcase generating the insert on this case. If the field value being passed as a empty string for instance.
Issue reported to our bugs team.
Bernhard Bernsmann
insert empty string.
Could you please export this application for our test team can analyze?
Thank you!
ok where i send application?
Send to my e-mail.
See my signature.
i send the project. any news???
I am getting same error:
i am using SC8
When a field with ajax autofill other fields, if user PRESS KEY ENTER in each field autofilled the values are lost. BUT IF PRESS KEY TAB not problem.
Before versions SC my apps worked fine.
S.O.S how can fix it?
Any news from sc team?