Field Titles

I’ve watched the videos and read the documentation but I can’t find a way to add titles to each field. Is there some magic for this or do I have to do it manually?

For example:

Account Number: 12345678
Reservation Number: 12345678

I can’t find a way to add Account Number and Reservation Number automatically like you do with forms, etc.

what do you mean ‘add titles’? If the fields are not part of a table, you can add them yourself by clicking on add fields below the fieldlist. Is that what you mean?

What I mean is the example I listed in my original post. Having a head title in front of the data. What I get now is just the raw data, one column per line.

Right now I see:

I want to see:
Account Number: 12345678
Reservation Number: 12345678

So after more searching I figured out I was using the wrong term here. Instead of Titles I should have said field labels… I found a post that seems to have a solution which I haven’t tried yet. I gotta say this is primitive at best. SC needs to improve their PDF report creation significantly. Their videos are very misleading in how to create them and they are based on an older version of SC.

