Fields Configuration and Database; linking scriptcase fields with database

I want to link a new scriptcase field with a new field in the database.

I realize if i update the database with new fields, i cannot or dont see a reflection in scriptcase.

I know there is a way to add new fields in scriptcase but how to i link it to a field in my database? should i give the scriptcase field the same name as the field name in my database?

Any suggestions?

This is fairly simple depending on the application type. First to be on the safe side, logoff and relogon. This is the best way of retrieving tablenames if you have created a new table. If you have only changed fields (add/delete or change type) then you go to application -> synchronize. In form type applications this will update your settings. It will not work in grids. There you need to go to the sql statement and add the fields in the sql list. SC will automatically add these to the field list. Then it’s business as useual.

I am not seeing it, application -> synchronize. The application type, i wanna do this for is: Calendar. any suggestions?

are you looking right? I looked at a calender application and in the left menu under application there’s an option ‘synchronize table’…