Hi, I try to do a file operation in the tmp folder. When you generate a pdf file you find that together with the .log file in the tmp folder. I try to move the pdf and the log to another folder on the server.
if (file_exists($path_to_tmp . $filename)){ // is pdf file in tmp?
$suffix = ".pdf";
$logfile = basename ($filename,$suffix); // remove suffix pdf from file
$logfile = $logfile . ".log"; // add log suffix to filename
rename ($path_to_tmp . $logfile , $pdf_path_protocoll . $a_id . "/" . $logfile); // move logfile to new folder
rename ($path_to_tmp . $filename , $pdf_path_protocoll . $a_id . "/" . $filename); // move pdf to new folder
Problem: pdf file moves to new folder, log file keeps untouched … Why is log not moved? I tried the code in php online editor where it works.