File upload (database), size and filename limit

Hi everyone!

I have a form where i have medium blob field to upload files and filename is inserted to textfield

My need now is to check the filesize and length of the filename before the insertion of the record (possibly even before it goes to tmp folder??) and if the filesize / filename length exceeds certain limit then generate an error message (and/or clear the field??).

Would be helpful if someone had some suggestion.


Re: File upload (database), size and filename limit

I contacted support for the same issue.
There is no way to do this in SC in version 5.2

I made a suggestion for the next release.

Best regards
Uwe Pfeiffer

Re: File upload (database), size and filename limit

Thanks for your reply.

I also have suggested the same feature via the feedback form.
Hope they will include it in the new version.