if I upload a file and in the filename there are characters liek ? ? ? … the upload fails.
But for german language these are normal characters…
is there a workaround ??
Best regards
Uwe Pfeiffer
if I upload a file and in the filename there are characters liek ? ? ? … the upload fails.
But for german language these are normal characters…
is there a workaround ??
Best regards
Uwe Pfeiffer
when saving or uploading a file, its name to avoid concerns of character recognition should entail no accent or punctuation, the only used should be underscores and avoid spaces, but it all depends on the user
you cannot be sure that the user knows that…
He tries to upload a file and is not aware of the problem and gets an error message (upload failed) which doesn’t help.
He knows that windows acceps a filename like l?sung.xls and will not understand why he cannot upload this -normal- windows file…
It would help me, if I could manipulate the filename… but I don’t know where and in which event in SC this is possible.
Best regars
Uwe Pfeiffer
I remember having read some articles about it during approaches to upload and download word or excel files, it may have nothing to do, but,
According to the RFC 6226 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6266), the only way to send Content-Disposition Header with encoding is:
Content-Disposition: attachment;
filename * = UTF-8 ‘’% e2% 82% ac% 20rates
for backward compatibility, what should be sent is:
Content-Disposition: attachment;
filename = “EURO rates”;
* filename = utf-8 ‘’% e2% 82% ac% 20rates
As a result, we should use
<? Php
$ filename = ‘中文 文件 名 .exe’; // a filename in Chinese characters
$ contentDispositionField = 'Content-Disposition: attachment; ’
. sprintf (‘filename = “% s”;’, rawurlencode ($ filename))
. sprintf (“filename * = utf-8”% s ", rawurlencode ($ filename));
header (‘Content-Type: application / octet-stream’);
header ($ contentDispositionField);
readfile ( ‘file_to_download.exe’);
if it does not bring you anything, good luck for the future,
I used addslashes to ignore some file names,
good research,