FIX IT please !
Thanks aka,
Probably it will be solved in the next releases of scriptcase. Please, checkout the next changelogs for more informations.
I hope it will, thanks.
Is this another?
[QUOTE=Garfieldus;33248]Is this another?
OH YEAH! and many many others, check inside the manual, you will be amazed
here is an idea to know if its a typo or spelling
open google translate, copy-past the word, set to - from “Detect language” to “English”… if said “Portuguese - detect” then smile and say bravooo SC looool
another idea is to learn some Portuguese, doesn’t harm
but for SC to fix it all??? no way.
by the way Garfieldus you may be able to localize that error title message, I noticed it somewhere in application or in langauge.