FIX FOOTER BUG - second request

As you see on the screenshot the footer columns are not distributed evenly. It makes footer look ugly. Please do not suggest me to manually change CSS because this has to be implemented in SC.

I reported this bug in October/2016. Please fix it! It is really frustrating to wait for simple bug fixes forever.




Why is this a problem with netmake? Scriptcase shouldnt have to consider lack of effort or knowledge an issue for them.
This isnt an issue, use the template you chose to place the info where you want it.

This isnt a screaming match to get attention because you cant figure out a footer…
Here is your answer… isnt that difficult…




We have some (i think around 4 to 5) footer and header template examples that can be used by the clients.
However for any good customized system a header / footer template may need to be coded in order to fulfill your specific needs.

In Scriptcase you have a Template Editor available, so feel free to code a template that fits better for your system.
This is not a bug.