Form doesn't display links to other records correctly

Hello. When I create a form via a control application and navigate to that form only the first record is shown and the links to navigate to other records are missing. I’ve added an image below to explain what I mean. Notice that the page number shows [1 of 0] and also that there are no numbers between the arrows used to navigate from one record to another. Does anyone know what might be causing this?


I found a workaround solution to this problem, although I don’t know why it happens. Anyways, you can reload the application using Javascript like so: (in your application’s onLoad event)

	[reload_application] = False;




Make sure to set a global variable which determines if the application needs to be reloaded before you do this however, or else your application will do an infinite reload. That way, you can set that global variable to be false like I do above.

Anyways, if at some point someone figures out why this bug happens I would appreciate an answer. Thanks.