Form modified, warning befor exit

Is there some simple option or simple scripting way to define a warning message in case user would exit a modified form forgetting to save, like “some values have been changed, ar you shure you want to exit? (yes/no)”.

I tried to look everywhere in the Forms options and configuration, in general configuration…did not find anything, and JAVASCRIPT has a OnChanged event field by field, not for the whole form…tough work coding…



I don’t understand your workaround.
It seems just a PHP button that will prompt for confirmation before executing its code.
How do you make SC run the confirmation prompt only if at least one field has changed?

(Btw, shouldn’t Italians ask NetMake to correct the italian in the SC IDE? I think “Conferma del messaggio” should be “Messaggio di conferma”)

Indeed what I wish is that the app warns me ONLY if some value changed in any fiels…