form OnScriptInit event: broken link to help page

[SIZE=14px]Editing a form OnScriptInit event.
Clicking on the ‘?’ icon to get the event help page, SC tries to open:

that doesn’t exist.

The working link is:


Recently, we have made changes to these files to implement the help of macros next to the code editor in events.
For some reason, your files appear to be out of date. Try again to update ScritpCase, so ensure that you are fully updated.

thanks for your reply.

If I run Help\Update Version I get a “No update found.” message, so my SC seems up to date.

You sure you checked it works?

The ‘?’ icon that links to a non existing page (see my first post) is on:

  • Form ->Events->OnScriptInit-> title bar of the code editor, right aligned
  • ``` >OnScriptInit [B]?[/B] ```
EDIT- to be clear: I have the file "[SIZE=14px]frame_form_on[B]Script[/B]Init.htm[/SIZE][SIZE=14px]l" [/SIZE]on my system. It's the '?' icon that links to a non existing file [SIZE=14px]frame_form_onInit.html. [/SIZE]The event name is onScriptInit, so I'm assuming that the file I have has the corrrect name and that is the hard-coded link in the '?' icon that is wrong

As John said, we reviewed all help links and adjusted them to make them work properly, particularly this exact problem you’re facing - name of events vs name of files.

However the links aren’t hard-coded, so this shouldn’t be the problem. They are dynamically generated based on our docs database.
Which leads to a couple of possibilities that needs to be checked to see if something went wrong or if it is indeed a problem on your local help files.

We will let you know asap.

Thanks for the reporting, this is very important to us.
We want the users to have all the help they can from the tool itself, its manual and from our site (with our tutorials and examples).