Form OnValidate event is triggered even when press Delete Button

why the OnValidate event is triggered even when i press on Delete button ?
I don’t need to validate fields before deleting a record but only before update/insert .

Is this a bug or something else?

it is not a Bug. SC use this event Onvalidate. in this case you can use a validation like this:

if (sc_btn_delete)
sc_error_message(“Unable to delete this record”);

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Yes but i would do that onBeforeDelete or hiding /disabling the delete button in onLoad event rather than onValidate .
I think i will do something like this in onValidate event:
if ( sc_btn_insert or sc_btn_update){

In the majority of the cases when you delete a record you dont need to validate all fields but the primary key.
But there could be cases where you may want to abort the delete process and display a message if some field have specific value .
Therefore I dont consider it a bug but a feature.


Thanks @maxi and @alvagar for answering.
Have a nice day.