form with 2 editable grid views as detail

Hi there,

I am stuck on my project, trying to create a form with multiple editable grid view details on one page. This is what my main problem looks like:




1 house (Master) can have multiple cars (detail1) that are are listed in an EDITABLE GRID VIEW. Now I need another EDITABLE GRID VIEW below Details1 that is connected to each car. My first detail already works fine, but how can I set a detail link on each car? How can I tell Details2 to only show specific data that belong to selected house shown in master and belong to car that I want details on. Details of car need to be editable also and best in a grid view.

I also tried tried this (all on 1 page using Layout->Blocks):



Detail_helper (GRID) -> so I can select a single data set connected to 1 car and show it in Details2


Here I am having the problem of passing id_master and id_detail1 to Detail_helper. Detail helper always displays all cars available, but I only want those that belong to current house shown in Simple Form (master). So I need a SELECT FROM WHERE condition. I tried to set a value on id_master but it’s not working. Futhermore Details 2 also has to change when you got to another house in master.

1)Is it possible to pass Joomla 1.6 login data to author_email / editor_email so I know which logged in member created data or edited data? (this will be hard for myself to figure out)
2)Is it possible to create a nice PDF layout with all the data? (haven’t tried it yet…I hope it is flexible in layout and design)
3)Is it possible to have scriptcase send this PDF as email to author? (I think this should work with your macro)

Thank you

Re: form with 2 editable grid views as detail

i am getting there…

i added a new field HTML IMAGE (Read Only) called “detail” to my editable grid view details1 and on Events->OnLoadRecord I included this code:
{detail} = “<img src=‘http…complete path to image…/_lib/img/scriptcase__NM__nm_Scriptcase5_Silver_bcons_detalhes.gif’ border=‘0’>”;

All I need now is to link each data set onclick HTML IMAGE field. Not sure if you can only link within grid, but I hope it works for editable grid view also…of course I still need to pass my parameters…I will try some more

Re: form with 2 editable grid views as detail

changed field type HTML IMAGE to: label

i linked this field and it works. My second editable grid view is called within the same window though…I would like to all it below…

Current problem:
-parameters from first editable grid view are not passed on when I create new data in second editable grid view ( I need those IDs so all data belongs together)
-link is only visible as link when I press pencil in first editable grid view
-is it possible to add an image isntead of text for label field?

I tried almost everything now…tabs (here I experienced problem with refresh of 1 tab when changing another), modules, tree menus…maybe scriptcase is hitting limits, when it comes to multiple editable grid views that are realted to each other on one page, but this is what I am looking for…

Re: form with 2 editable grid views as detail

don’t ask me how, but it seems to work now…in order to pass on paramters I need a SELECT on specific field in second form also

Re: form with 2 editable grid views as detail

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