Forms only update not working


Suddenly the form’s update not working. Insert, delete in forms works perfectly, but update not. When I set debug mode, when I update via form, debug window stops before update. The project contain 50 forms, none working. The interesting is that in product environment the update works perfectly.

Anyone has any idea?

Best regards,

Anyone can help?

You have some kind of error? If you create a new form, works? It’s difficult to help without information.

I move outside bugs forums. There aren’t enough information to be considered a bug.

Hello again,

there is no visible error. When I click the Update button on the form, the form seems to load (try to save the record) and then nothing happens. When I close the form, the record is not updated.

There is two server, one of the update form is working, another not. The difference between the two server (_lib/diagnosis.php) is the php version.

Working server has PHP version 5.3.29, the not working server has PHP 5.6.20 is there any incompatibility about PHP versions?

May I send files which the diagnosis.php create?

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