I’m asking admin of this forum to fix bugs that prevent me from uploading a screenshoot and for 3 WEEKS in a row it is not fixed and replies are ignored.
ADMIN - if you cannot fix the problems switch to different forum software!

[SIZE=12px]I’m just sooo pissed offf ! !!![/SIZE]


There were some problems and we had to make changes in the forum. We are working hard to keep it running ASAP.

Please tell us what problems you are going through so we can help you promptly.

John - if you asking what kind of problems I have that means that you did not any other crying for help posts and you not working on any fixes (how can you work on something if you do not know what is wrong?). so let’s make it clear - AFTER LAST FORUM CRASH THE NEW VERSION OF THE FORUM HAS TONS OF PROBLEMS. I understand you just using existing software and you are not able to fix bugs, but… if there are so many problems,… if users hate VBULLETIN crap,… if you are not able to make it all work 100%… WHY NOT SWITCH TO SOMETHING THAT IS WORKING ???
If you look up the forum posts I’m not the only one cursing the forum software! Users will be more happy and you will have less maintenance work if you switch to something more reliable.
I recommend phpBB - it this this is the best stand-alone forum soft on the planet at the moment and it is by far much better than VBulletin. You can keep the old messages as archive and simply restrict access to new posts on VBulletin.

To let you know hwat is not working you would have to make about 15 or more screenshots showing you all kind of error messages I get. Tried other browsers and some are better than other but mainly I would want to use the same browser I use for SC - Firefox. The most crucial problem is with posting images. Resizing does not work, PNG files are not accepted, all kind of wired messages appear and for the last 3 weeks I was able to post only 1 image, so the bottom line is - IT DOES NOT WORK. On top of that some timeout errors show up on my browser, profile picture cannot be changed,… and God only knows what else is not working. Just bare this in mind: VBULLETIN is CRAP !

Problems in the forum:
1: regularly gives an error that a post can not be opened
2: when I go to a page 2 from a page 1 and I use the back button it should go to page one, but here it looses something because it reacts strange
There are patches here:
See also here:
I guess you guys first need to do a backup then a patch level 1 (more then 60 bugs fixed).

I agree that vBulletin is very poor. It has been going downhill since it was taken over some years ago by Internet Brands.

I don’t want to get into a discussion of which is the best forum software but if a change is ever considered then please, please consider xenForo. Most movers from vBulletin are moving to xenForo and I understand it is an easy migration with built in importers directly from the vb database.


We fixed problems with images and apply the patch.
It is not me who is fixing the problems, but I need you to list all the problems that are occurring.

Thank you!

Yes, i have it self done for my 4 forums. Switching to XenForo has paid off.

Good work patching. It has improved. :slight_smile:
Minor error: If I am in forum where the posts are listed and I keep my mouse over a topic it shortly shows and :error: popup and then shows a part of the post.

PLEASE CHANGE FORUM SOFTWARE! you improvements are minor and it might take months until it is all fixed

Please tell us what problems you are going through so we can help you promptly.

I get numerous error messages at different times. I cannot change my profile picture, I cannot upload pictures, resizing is not working for PNG files and for larger files, PM not working,… the list is really long and I have listed those already 3 TIMES - so I do not understand why you keep asking the same question again and again - IT WAS ANSWERED SEVERAL TIMES.
Why should I waste so much time dealing with the forum software issues ? I have so many other important things to do - WHY ?

I simply hate vBULLETIN !


Private message is working.
Profile picture is working.
Upload pictures PNG in the post is working.

Someone is going through the same problem? I need to know to identify the problem and pass on to our team.

Arthur, we’re fixing problems.