Freezes deploye 90-95%

I have a project made up of over 700 applications … when I go to do the complete update in production it always freezes around 90-95%

If you do a deploy without common libraries and such, does it still freeze? If not, do 2 deploy. One with common libraries and just your login app and the 2nd without common and the rest of your apps.

Or you can verify the PHP.INI of your installation and see if the values are right. If not, you can increase and after this you must restart apache from Scriptcase.

in the php.ini which values ​​should I check and increase?

Take a look at memory_limit in PHP.INI.

i tried to deactivate the common libraries, but the problem remained. Update stopped at 89%

I also tried to increase the memory_limit = 10240M. update stopped at 79%

Can you do ONE app and common files? Am curious if it is stopping regardless of memory use.

I tried to publish 5 random applications complete with common files. the publication was successful

in previous versions of scriptcase the published applications were kept in memory, so the problem was enough to redo the publication and all the applications were regenerated very quickly. In this version 9.8.013 every time the interrupted publication is resumed, the generation of applications is very slow.

if scriptcase programmers want to modify variables in php.ini file it would be an important help.

When you say freeze… how long have you left it.
On my system I have 120 applications and it takes a long time standing still at 95% before completing

Same here. With over 800 apps. Without lib. I zip the file and use ftp. That works

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I work with ZIP-File. That works …