General content for the index/default page instead of login page ?

Hello everyone,

Newbie to SC since 2 days, watching all the video tutorials,
I found only Webpage starting with the Scriptcase Login page,
My question is Can the login page be only accessed from a container on a default page or does it always come as the first
page on a website.
I’d like to use SC to create a public content page website,like catalogs or articles or else (for non-logged users)…
Thanks for letting me know how is this possible using only SC ?

Mik :confused:


That is totally possible with SC. You can create public pages just as you can create protected pages.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Ok… great !
thanks Bartho,
this is promissing then - any idea - if there are some live website that one could visit ?
…either samples or real ones

A SC application is ‘just’ a php application. You can have public pages if you do not opt for the security. That’s a checkbox available in all modules. If you set it, it will comply to the security model. Every php module can be called stand-alone. If it’s a protected page you get an error warning. So in fact, you can create your whole application and add the login to any page you like. You can generate a default login page, but also create your own. We don’t have public samples so can’t help you there. But we’re here to help you to achieve things if you cannot get it to work. So just ask.

See our samples:

Bernhard Bernsmann