Ghost parameters, realy strange behaviour

Hi I’m stuck with a very strange bug…
I’ve created a grid with a list of form that can be printed via a html image on each row (one form per row). I’ve created another grid that show all printed form, showing the form title, date printed, who print it etc.
The form are pdf ISO form that need to be filled by somebody and when they print them I automatically add a tracking number (like an invoice) on the top of the form so I can followup on each printed form to see if they are comming back once filled.
Everything is working fine. The first grid show all available form with there description and in the second I can see all the form currently in use with there tracking number etc.
My problem…
After I’ve printed a form, when I go in the second grid to see if it is added correctly. I’ve found that all the form have the same description. In fact they all have the descrition of the last printed form. If I have 100 printed form, all of them have the same description. In the database all is ok, each form have is own description. If I open these grid before printing any form, all description are ok for each form but as sson as I print any form, in the second grid all row have the same description.
Even if I close the grid and reopen it all description are the same. The only way to go back to normal is the erase the firefox cahe and history. This way I’m sent back to login and all the grid are back to normal until next time I print any form.
I just don’t know how a variable containing the form description in the first grid can fill the sql ressult in the second grid that is used to fill each row. I can close both grid and reopen them but the problem is still there until I reset it hard.
for exemple in the first grid the from I want to print have the following description “RSG-CCP-1-FO-04-04 (Calibration de la sonde PH)” which is the form coding + description.
They are directly concatenated in the sql query. I’m printing it via a control app popup. then in the second grid all form description will be changed to “Calibration de la sonde PH” which is not true for all of them. After hard reset all description are back to normal.
Each grid are filled using different sql query from different table but the form description come from the same sql table.

Did’nt notice that bug in SC6 look like a new bug in SC7. I just don’t understand how a parameter from the first grid can affect the second grid as I don’t acces the second grid from the first one. They are both included in a tab application under diferent tab.

any isea appreciated

See some before and after printscreen



Hello claude,

Have you update your ScriptCase?

Also make sure to follow this tutorial:

Bernhard Bernsmann

My SC is the latest, 7.01
The tutorial is for a windows installation my SC is under linux in /var/www/html/scriptcase-7.0
I’m using the native linux apache server and php under fedora 16
It look like a value from the first grid cached by firefox and affect the second grid. Even if I get out of the app, get out of scriptcase and come back or regenerate the app, the value is still there. The only way to get rid of that value is to empty the cache from firefox
Is there a way to see which parameter are active or if some of them are stored in a cooky or any other place that keep them alive?

Thank you


Is eaccelerator.check_mtime=“1” on your php.ini configurations?

Try clearing scriptcase temporary files folder (scriptcase/tmp).

If the problem still occurs, please get in touch with our support. Our chat is active on workdays from 8:00am to 6:00pm, and our ticket system is always available.

Bernhard Bernsmann

There is no eaccelerator.check_mtime in my /etc/php.ini
clearing SC tmp files do nothing

Ok I’ll try to file a ticket

Thank you

I’ve found that if I deactivate the “use cache for grid field” in the system configuration, it solve the bug
So it is realy a bug in the way SC manage the field in cache

Hello Claude,

Were you able to solve the issue?

Bernhard Bernsmann


It’s definitely something to do with the cache. There are parameters that are mixxed with field name in cache. So by deactivating “use cache for grid field” the problem deapear but it is back if we reactivate the cache.

Hello claude,

Please contact our support regarding this issue. Our chat is active on workdays from 8:00am to 6:00pm, and our ticket system is always available.

Bernhard Bernsmann