Global variable not available when accessed from Mobile browser

Hi all,
I am experiencing an issue when trying to access a global variable in a control app.

Before continue: This issue ONLY happens when you access scriptcase deployment on mobile site. (this is happening on my iPhone)

I have set a global variable in a form application inside ‘onValidate’ event. This form has an Exit URL (Application --> Navigation --> Exit URL) which set to control application.

After record inserted in form application, it opens control application which was set above. Control application shows global variable value when accessed it on a computer but shows blank when accessed it from a mobile browser.

Could this be a bug? Did anyone experience this before?




Today trying different options to resolve this issue came across few more issues in the mobile environment. Seems SC8.1 not that good with mobile web side of things.

What I’m trying to do is, after filling a quick inspection report calling a control application to display summary and status. All works on standard computer browser but many things don’t work on mobile browser.

Will try to think of a different method to get this done.

The way I got around it was running everything through a menu. This also helps with Back and a bunch of other issues dealing with Mobile. You dont need to add any menu items so the user will not be aware of the menu.

Hi Larry, thank you for your reply. could you please explain a bit more how you did it through the menu.