Google application is dangerous

Here the same problem with different scriptcase applications. It takes 2 /3 days to get unblacklisted. One domain was twice blacklisted.

I have the same problem. When publishing an SC application to an Amazon EC2 server or instance. And it only happens as they say when there is a change in database connections or full release. And Google Chrome and browsers detect it as a malicious site or with Social Engineering risks. Can you tell me before “” when requesting a review that they argue, so that they remove the “Dangerous” warning?

Good morning,
I have found a small patch, which helps us with this problem. When changing the connections, do it with Microsoft Edge, if you do it from there, in my case I have had no problems. It seems that Google Chrome notifies Google and that’s why it happens, however from Microsoft Edge it doesn’t happen.

Try it and you already tell if it works for you.


This has happened to me twice now. On this last one, in Google Search Console, the issue seems to be with redirection and references the /_lib/prod/ production pages. Does the latest v 9.9.015 fix this issue? I heard a very quick reference to this in the announcement YouTube video; “this update is very important for the Google security.” 2:34 into the video

Is this the “fix” for the security warnings when updating a project to the php 8.1 environment?

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The new version of scriptcase expects to recompile and redeploy.
But that means reconnecting the databases on the various production sites.
I don’t want to start fighting with google blocks again

Today I saw that after the switch to version 9.9.017 the google block has been activated.
Deceptive site ahead while installing version 9.9.017 (16)

Has anyone else had similar problems?

Hi @newsaeta, I had this problem yesterday and I solved with this video.

May be help you too. Good luck, regards.

A few months ago, with a new installation on a new server, the google block on the domain and all subdomains started.
iI was a nightmare - a week of complaints from my customers
I wanted to wait to update to the new version of scriptcase to see if the problem was fixed, but I think it might happen again.
I don’t know whether to wait any longer or to risk it.
Has anyone else had similar problem?

For the basic functionality, it’s working well. If you use anything special or external library it depends on your project. So because it’s OK for me it doesn’t ii mean it will work for you.

This problem with Chrome is not a bug, when you call your app this way,SC will redirect it to Chrome sometime thing that this is phishing and that you are doing it to deceive the user.

If you tell your customers to use directly the login URL Google should not complain.,

good idea
I change the code to redirect the site directly to the …/index.php


Same problem here after new SQL connection created for a new application.

Google removes warning after a day, but we still have problems for our domain and subdomain from other security companies like Sophos, ESET, BitDefender, Avira, CRDF, Fortinet, Lionic, VIPRE, CyRadar and G-Data.

We have already requested to revalidate our domains but only CRDF replied that they can’t remove or subdomain which is our Scriptcase application, but they have removed our main domain which is a WordPress application.

If anyone have a new idea or solution, let us know.

Many thanks

Este problema del sitio engañoso lo llevo padeciendo desde el año 2022, sucedió desde que SC añadió funcionalidades de seguridad. No es por cuestión de ssl ni tampoco si usas o no un nombre de dominio o la ip directamente. Tampoco es por la configuración de las conexiones, ni mucho menos lo que mencionaron más arriba, que no era un problema provocado por sc sino por el desarrollador donde google lo detecta como phishing. Me ha funcionado bien sobre edge y reportarlo ante Google para que quiete el bloqueo, esto demora de 1 a 2 días.

Es increible que SC presente estos errores y otros tantos tan graves en su producto. Realmente, no se ven soluciones en corto tiempo y no veo mas alternativa que salir de este software, que lejos de ahorrar tiempo, ha complicado la vida de muchos de nosotros y ha complicado actividades tan sencillas como desplegar informes o formularios sencillos.

Esos problemas son politicas de Google. Para solucionarlos, tienes que registrar algunos parametros en el cpanel del dominio. ingresa a ese link como usuario de google y igue los pasos para registro:}

This issue happens when you open /_lib in Chrome and then automatically Google Chrome will show dangerous in the URl.
We can solve this but it is taking 24-48 hours.

Because of this reason we are now moving all our apps to another tool and will not renew Script case

Hi, just out of curiosity what other tool are you using.

By the way if you use microsoft edge, the problem is solved.

Bubble.Io is our new tool to replace Scriptase, so far it does all what we need.
Scriptcase is good but we didn’t know it stopped supporting Google Chrome and that security threat is a big concern from Scriptcase

I don’t know where you get your information, but it’s not a security threat, simply Google thinking it’s Phishing because there are too many redirection. Call you apps directly and you will not have the warning (_lib/prod/index.php).

About Bubble.Io, it’s OK but nothing more, it’s still too young for serious development.

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Wait… so the fix for the problem will take you 24-28 hours, but that’s too long, so you are going to switch over to an entirely new coding platform instead?
Makes perfect sense.

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By making it look simple will not change the fact.
If this is a known issue then why it is still an issue since long.

If one URL is causing that issue then the reputation of your domain will be impacted, not sure how you deal with clients.