Google Map

How can I use the GoogleAPI with Scriptcase?

Re: Google Map


In my case i used a control application with 2 fields: “endereco” and “mapa”. the first I will be typing an address, the second will be displaying the map.

onLoad event:

{endereco} = [pesq];
{mapa} = “<center><iframe src=‘".[pesq]."&sll=-23.682436,-46.648078&sspn=0.015937,0.020084&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=17&iwloc=addr&output=embed’ height=600 width=600></center>”;

onValidate event:


Access “Application>>Global Variables” and set [pesq] how an “Out” variable

V?tor Jamil

Re: Google Map

Hi Vitor,
I am very interested in the topic of google Map and scriptcase. Could you send me more information.

Thank you,

Re: Google Map


What do you want to know about Google Maps+Scriptcase ?

V?tor Jamil

Re: Google Map


I wonder as viewed on Google Earth Map or information contained in a database.

Thanks a lot

Re: Google Map

You should keep the link in the database. So use that link in the src parameter.

{mapa} = “<center><iframe src={link} height=600 width=600></center>”;

Re: Google Map

Har? las pruebas y le comentar?

Thanks a lots,

Re: Google Map

Hi Vitor
I like to include a google map in my scriptcase development.
I follow the steps that you gave in the past post, but i can’t get the application works.
Can you give a more details?

i did this:

1.- Create a Control application
2.- Create 2 fields formated as “text”
3.- Insert your code on “On load event”
4.- insert your code in “On validate”
5.- Setup the variable as "Out
5.- Deploy the application

and nothing, does not work at all.

Thanks for your help.

Re: Google Map

I did not see mention, so I have to ask …
Do you have the Google ‘key’ setup? I know when I install Google Maps on my Joomla sites, Google requires the ‘Key’ to display the map.


Re: Google Map

Hello Scott, did you mean the API Key to view the map in app ?
If im right, you can check this link here to get the API key

Re: Google Map

I am about to attempt to port my PHP/AJAX/Javascript app over to Scriptcase which uses google maps extensively… I’d be glad to share my experience here if you’d like.

Re: Google Map

Hi all.
this post looks got a success.

I just want to know some thing.

how can i feed to google maps the kml??
is it posible?

Re: Google Map

Hi wavfact, please share what you have found.

Re: Google Map

share it… why not. thnnks

Re: Google Map

Maybe I found a small problem with googlemap.

I need to vary the Geocode data which will be shown depending on the usergroup of the user.
I tried to put in two googlemaps, one only showing the city, the other the complete adress. Both button are showing
the Geocode data of the last button, so it depends on the order of the google maps…

Is there a work around, may be a live change of the geocode data or the order of the fields???

Re: Google Map

I found setting up Google Map with SC6 is so simple, just create a field, and assign Google Map as a datatype and select the field to be used from my table such as postal code. However, I was wondering what API version is SC6 using? Google has advise programmer to move to their new API v3!

How to capturea URL

I’m intereted in this aplication, too.
Alrady read the thread but understed how get the url to do

{mapa} = “<center><iframe src={link} height=600 width=600></center>”;

My user can’t copy something inside google link map is little asom
I’m try to create a form to capture a url map, however I prefer capture coordinates to make the map. How to do that?

thanks in advance

Is it possible to use PHP code to progam Google maps’s Geocode field? On certain records, I want geocode to use Address + City. And on some records, I want geocode to use Lat/Lon.

Please help.

I have two position Lang and Lat in database that represent Point 1 and Point 2 in the street. How can I mark the street in google map ?

this thread helped me solve it,
thank iwanpc
good luck