Grid and Chart application's question: plot more than 1 filed and complex query.

  1. Plot more than 1 filed on the chart.
    For example, they have a table named Selling, have 2 fields: selling-in-advance, sell-actual, they want to display the 2 fields on a single chart. I realize that Scrpitcase nearly cannot do this. And I also found some posts on the forum like: But that’s not really a good solution I think.

    1. Data from very complex query
      We all know that Scriptcase create applications from a single table or view, but in some conditions, they often have very, very complex query to get data from 2 or 5 tables, except creating views, could SC get data from a complex SQL or directly from a stored procedure?

Q1: you need to do that with javascript and that’s pretty comlex afaik, so I agree on your conclusion. It’s on the wishlist of SC to have mulitple series in a more easy way.

Q2: yes regarding view. I haven’t tested it with stored procedures, but afaik that should work too. I would simply try I guess.

So are there samples of using javascript to plot other values on SC’s chart? could you give me a link please, Albert?

There was a link supplied in one of the webinars and I don’t have it here. But you could look into the docs of fusioncharts. It’s the suplier of the SC Charts module.