Grid and hierarchical view in V8

Hi all,

After a period I’ve just started to use SC again and in particular V8 . I got an instant question… (hole in my memory…)
I have a table where I got the field ID and the ParentID just to define a hierarchy on the same table.
Every record has its own parent starting from level 0

I have to represent it on a grid and I would like to see the different levels grouped with the + icon on the beginning to open the level.
I got three level so I need also that the second level has the + icon in front of the sub row…

  • LEVEL 0 ID
    ----------LEVEL 01 ID
    ----------+ LEVEL 02 ID
    --------------------LEVEL 021 ID
    --------------------LEVEL 022 ID

    I don’t remember how to produce such kind of grid. Need I to organize it as nested grid ? Of the same table ??? Not possible I suppose
    Many thanks


I think you can to do a grid with details.

If I’m not wrong details show you the record detail only.
I need to see all hierarchy before to arrive to record level.
It’s like a master details view but I need more levels that two.

I’m trying to use Grid and Nested Grid but I’ve still problems

Hi ,
after some tests… this is what I’ve done. Grid and Nested Grid . See image

I need now to hide the second level of hierarchy on main grid becouse it’s correctly present on its parent detail
How can it do ??


I needed some time ago the same, but i created a menu nested from a table recursive.
Would be good id SC Team helps with this, because is very necesary for our work.
Attach image from my menu.


Hi Alvagar,

Very nice !!! How did you build it ?

I did … in some way , adding a where clause but I’m not satisfied…


I did it with a table recursive. I hope can help you.

You must change the SQL and fields name

First All you must create a TREE MENU with SC
(for example: treemenu_agr)

THEN CREATE A PHP METHOD: GetChilds with parameters:
menu by reference
sql by value
codefather by value

This is code for GetChilds :

sc_lookup(rs_child, $sql.$codefather. " order by agr_nmbre");
		foreach({rs_child} as $agr_child)
			$agr_cdgo	= $agr_child[0];
			$agr_cdgop 	= $agr_child[1];
			$agr_nmbre 	=  $agr_cdgo."-".$agr_child[2];

			getChilds($menu, $sql, $agr_cdgo );


// Get params from a app.
if(isset($_POST[‘nmgp_parms’]) && substr($_POST[‘nmgp_parms’], 0, 10)==“v_agr_cdgo” && isset([v_agr_cdgo]) && !empty([v_agr_cdgo]))
$agr_cdgo_parm = [v_agr_cdgo];

$menu = “treemenu_agr”;

$sql_root = “select agr_cdgo, agr_cdgop, agr_nmbre from agr_agrpcion where neg_cdgo = “.[neg_cdgo].” and agr_cdgop is null order by agr_nmbre”;
$sql_child = "select agr_cdgo, agr_cdgop, agr_nmbre from agr_agrpcion where agr_cdgop = ";
sc_lookup(rs_root, $sql_root);

$items = false;

foreach({rs_root} as $agr_root)
$items = true;
$agr_cdgo = $agr_root[0];
$agr_cdgop = $agr_root[1];
$agr_nmbre = $agr_cdgo."-".$agr_root[2];

//sc_appmenu_add_item(“String Menu_Name”, “Id_Item”, “Id_Parent”, “Label”, “Aplication”, “Parameters”, “Icon”, “Hint”, “Target”)
getChilds($menu, $sql_child, $agr_cdgo);


if(!$items) {
sc_redir(form_agr, neg_cdgo=[neg_cdgo];agr_cdgo=0, “$menu”);

WOWWWWWW !!! Good job !!! Not a piece of cake… ;-(

Ok. Giovannino. I Hope that helps.

Hi Alvagar,
I trying to do a hierarchy structure and can you please share some info with me. How can I get in touch with you? Thanks and look forward to you reply

Hi clarence.
This is the Recursive table:

Thanks and will look into it.