Grid Application : Freeze the toolbar buttons during page scrolling.

Grid applications provide you the option to freeze the column labels during page scrolling, is it possible to freeze the toolbar buttons as well ?

Fixed label This option will freeze the column labels on top of the screen during the page scrolling.

The only way I’m aware of is to use infinite scroll.

But it has some glitches:

I really wish NetMake made the standard (non infinite) grid freeze everything but the grid rows: toolbar buttons, refines search panes, grid header AND footer

Thanks for the reply, yeah I’m aware of that but the grid state is not saved when you use a run button to update records in the grid. After you click the run button the page submits and reloads the whole grid and does not return to your position in the grid.

Even if ‘[SIZE=12px]Maintain state’ is set to yes?[/SIZE]

yes !:slight_smile: maybe a bug? I paginated the grid as a workaround.