Grid as Master/Detail -> no button "New" etc...

Hello Colleagues,

Situation: I created Normal Grid + additional Form to edit rows (as Application Link + parameter “Show button New”):

and than I added Grid as to other Form as Master/Detail:

Question: Where is button “Nowy” (New) on my Grid? Is this a bug?

Please help.




Use [editable grid] instead of [normal grid].

Ok. But than i will not be able to use external Form to edit rows. Right?

in this case you should use [Editable grid view].
you will be able to edit a row in a form with lightbox effect. give it a try.

Yes, but when i will use yours suggestion I will have a problem descibed there That’s why modal with “lightbox effect” is not a solution. I am trying imagine when SC will start to eliminate bugs which I sent…

Similar problem is there:

Go to work ! Community is waiting for new version without bug. If you are going to sell more licence please listen the community.


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann[/QUOTE]

Thanks… If you have any kind of edit grid it works. But if you call a form from the grid it does not give you the option to do so. I will be glad to give examples of the issue.

  1. Create normal Grid_Normal
  2. Create Form_Edit (for Grid_Normal edit) -> the same db table
  3. Create Form_Main
  4. Add Grid_Normal to Form_Main as Master/Detail with SQL = “SELECT something FROM dbtable WHERE id={id_from_Main_Form}” to get records related to Form_Main. Put this grid between two Blocks
  5. In Grid_Normal create Application link to Form_Edit and set “Show icon to edit grid…”
  6. Run Form_Main with attached Grid_Normal as Master/Detail -> NO edit (pencil) button there

Additional info

When you going to use Normal_Grid not as Master/Detail between Block -> as normal, main application: the edit button (pencil) is available. When you link it as Master/Detail and put between Blocks in Form -> edit button will be lost.

Bartho, i Think that my description will be useful for Bug Team.

bartho, any update on this ?

Hello daretzki,

I will verify if there is an update with our bugs team.


Any update on this ?
