Is there a way to kick this to re-read the database table? I have fields1-10 in Table A. Made grid with all in sql query. Eliminated 3 fields from Table A so now have fields 1-7. Removed those 3 fields from grid query. Compile. Error while accessing the database
SelectLimit(SELECT Lot, LastName, FirstName, MiddleInitial, CellPhone, Email, RCRAddress, RCRCity, RCRState, RCRZip, BillingAddress1, BillingAddress2, BillingCity, BillingState, BillingZip, LandPhone, WorkPhone, OtherPhone, OwnerFax, gas, bnum, PMacct, Notes, pk from owners1 , 12, 0)
But those fields aren’t in my sql query nor are they in the table. Thoughts?