Grid bug with sorting

Lately I’ve been experience a bug where it gives me this error message when I click on the sorting button on one of my grids:

Of course I took the liberty of taking a little peek into the source code where the line throwing the error is:

<?php echo nmButtonOutput($this->arr_buttons, "bcancelar", "scBtnOrderCamposHide('" . $this->tbar_pos . "')", "scBtnOrderCamposHide('" . $this->tbar_pos . "')", "Bsair1", "", "", "", "absmiddle", "", "0px", $path_btn, "", "", "", "", "", "only_text", "text_right", "", ""); 

Whilst a couple of lines above that it uses $tbar_pos instead of $this->tbar_pos. However no ‘luck’ in trying to reproduce to problem as of now.
Now of course I can just remake the grid but that’d take quite the amount of time so I was hoping someone might have a fix.

EDIT: Nevermind it doesn’t seem to be up to the $this suddenly in front of the tbar pos as removing it when deployed doesn’t fix it



I can’t see no image with error.
What is the error happens?
I tried here and no have problem.

Best Regard,
Netmake team

The image is really small for some reason, the error is:

Notice: Undefined property: sia_grid_grantee_Ord_cmp::$tbar_pos in C:\Program Files (x86)\NetMake\v8\wwwroot\scriptcase\app\sia_grantees\sia_grid_grantee\sia_grid_grantee_order_campos.php on line 239 Notice: Undefined property: sia_grid_grantee_Ord_cmp::$tbar_pos in C:\Program Files (x86)\NetMake\v8\wwwroot\scriptcase\app\sia_grantees\sia_grid_grantee\sia_grid_grantee_order_campos.php on line 239


Do you have some code in this grid?
Send me this application and table of database used to email, for we check better your problem.

Best regard
Netmake team

Yeh have a lot of stuff added to the grid which was mainly the reason why I didn’t really want to remake the grid. Started remaking it now, haven’t ran into a problem yet.
I’ll send you the grid and database tables tomorrow, so you can still have a look at it, maybe see what’s causing it or so.