Grid Column Width

Hi all,

I’m trying to change the column’s width of my report, but so far with no luck.
In the settings of my report, I’ve tried the three column table options : “Automatic, computed, fixed”.
But I don’t see any change on my grid (see picture below) :

My question is pretty simple : How can I specify the width of the column

Thanks for your help



I don’t see a picture, but if you set a column width to fixed then I guess you have to supply a width.

Hi aducom,

I’ve tried with no luck to use the fixed column option with a size.
I’ve finally create my own HTML template where I can do whatever I want :slight_smile:


i tried to reduce width of grid column by going in grid settings, table column as PROVIDED, then write realy -.001 number in field width, still grid column dont reduce

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