Grid export stopped download in 99%

While exporting excel from the grid it shopped in 99%, so we can’t view/download.
if anyone getting the same error while exporting excel from the grid?.

Does anybody know how to resolve it?

Help would be very welcome

It maybe that the memory available on your Linux server is too low, you should try to increase it

try to set memory_limit to 256M or more in php.ini (I use 1024M)

Thanks replying,
I updated memory_limit to 1024M, previously it was 128M. Still, it is not working.

Check that the _lib directory and subdirectory Permissions are set to 755 or 777

Please, let me know the full path of _lib.

On the production server it’s in the root with your apps


If we download one month data it is working, if we trying to download 3 months or more than that it is not working.

It can be a timeout if it take too much time to generate, I think the default is 30 seconds

try to increase max_execution_time in php.ini