Ends an export to pdf:
If I click to view the pdf I get a 404 error.
If download file I click to open to read pdf I type not allowed or damaged. Content empty.
How to solve this?
Please have a look hereā¦
Quite some suggestions.
Thanks for the suggestion, but the problem persists for me in a production environment with windows server 2008 and IIS. En development test works.
Check your webserver logs. It should say what is going wrong. My guess is that you are writing a pdf in a directory where it is not allowed.
It is the same folder. .\Tmp which successfully creates with other formats exported as Excel files.
he PDF files generated by ScriptCase have 0 bytes. Are empty.
Another idea,
there might be some dependencies missing.
Open a terminal window and navigate to the wkhtmltopdf folder. Which is: pathtoscriptcase\prod hird\wkhtmltopdf\win.
Execute the program (wkhtmltopdf --version) and see if it generates any error messages.