I have a grid and tried everything that i know to figure out how to start it as detail module.
Also how to add custom button to the grid (in Detail module) not the normal grid… Please help.
Please help. Thanks
I really don’t understand your question. A grid is a grid. You can select a button to show details, but you can’t start with that. If you need, then just create a form and a link from the form to your grid.
Hello Albert, a grid is a grid but you can start it as Chart [for example], right?
I need to start it as detail and link records with it global variable, i want to use it in print receipts [POS printer], i already test the detail as a receipt, it is pretty good when you print it in Epson TM T20. I know that i can use Pdf report but my client say that pdf take some time when you generate it, a detail can show up in no time.
Sorry, afaik you can’t but I’m not sure.
Thank you Albert.
Dear Scriptcase Development team, in the grid initiate settings i can see that the grid can start as many modules but (Detail) module not included even it is shown on the right side as module, Why? this is very important… we need this feature and hope to see it working soon, now i am wondering if there is any macro or anything else that can help me accomplishing what i want to do?