How I can set default search for grid. (like show only open cases, at the begnining)
How I can set default search for grid. (like show only open cases, at the begnining)
Append a global variable to your sql like where mykey=[glob_status]
Set in onscriptinit the key [glob_status]=‘open’;
I useually put some buttons on the form for showing only open, closed or pending cases. In the buttonevent you set [glob_status] to the required value.
It’s works, but it dont change when I use search form(this global varaible is still set).
How I can remove those part of sql statement when it use search form?
Or better how I can set initial values like it was choosed by search form.
[QUOTE=zlotyx;27714]It’s works, but it dont change when I use search form(this global varaible is still set).
How I can remove those part of sql statement when it use search form?
Or better how I can set initial values like it was choosed by search form.[/QUOTE]
Hide the search button by scmacro and apply a button ‘clear filter’. If hit then clear the where filter and show the search button. SInce you cannot intercept the search click event you have to be a bit creative