Grid is not updated in Master / Detail

i have a form with a field deviceid. And in this form, i made 2 grid as Master/Detail. The grid show me details of the form. The two SQL in the grid look like

SELECT SOMETING FROM TABLE WHERE deviceid=[par_deviceid]

I put the 2 grids in a separate block. When i navigate in the form, then one grid updated perfect, means, the Grid SQL queries with the new deviceid.
The other one shows allways the first deviced and the deviceid is not updated. In Application Init of the 2 grids i put "echo [par_deviceid]. In the working grid, it shows me the current deviceid when i navigate.
In the other grid, the output shows first for short time the new deviceid and switch back to the first deiveid.
Debugging is hell in scriptcase. I hope you can reproduce this problem…

Best regards

How can you set your vars? SESSION? GET? POST?

Hi Giu
i’m not set my vars in code. When i configure the Master/Detail Link, i choose them from the list:

deviceid (in From) => par_deviceid (in grid)

In the grid under Application => Global Variables is “Post” and “Get” checked. I tried to set also “Session”, but in my second grid, it doesnt work. In the first grid, it works.