Grid losing all menu options from left hand side when I try to modify it

I create a gird. It works fine. I modify the grid it worked fine. Up until a few days ago. Now every time I create a grid and generate the code and then go back in to modify it I have an issue. All the menu options on the left side, like fields, layout, toolbar, all go away. So I have to redo my work from scratch. I am afraid to modify a big form because if it got corrupted it would take me a couple of hours to redo. 2 hours each time I need to make a change is unacceptable.

Any ideas?



First create a full backup of the full SC directory. Then you are always able to restore if things go wrong. Do you create the grid under the same name as the failing? Then create a new grid with a new name. Then remove the corrupted app.

Thanks as always for your reply Albert.

Yes I have recreated it under a different name and the same problem happens. It seemed to be fixed for a few days but now every time I create the grid and then try and edit it after generating code it loses it’s fields, etc.
