Grid Module Application
Built with v8
SC Development Enviroment is patched to 8.0.33
Web Browser: Firefox 36.0
ServerOS: Zentyal 3.3.10 based on Ubuntu 12.04 - PHP 5.4
Issue: I have built an application that works fine, that has a nested SELECT statement to sort out the latest day’s log entries. All features including the ‘See Details’ icon work fine until I go to customize the dynamic selection under the grid, by adding more fields. As soon as I perform this step, the ‘See Details’ icon stops working, and it dumps a huge SQL error message in the development enviroment. BTW: The SQL dump does NOT match the SQL query I programmed into the grid, so am pretty sure this is a ScriptCase bug, and I can duplicate this bug at will.
SQL Error message when clicking on ‘See Details’ magnafiying glass.
Customized Query that works fine until you attempt to add fields to the customizable colums in the display of the grid.
This isn’t a ‘show stopper’ but we really need to be able allow the user to control what fields they want displayed on the grid module display.
Curtis Brotherton
Software Engineer