Grid not saving correctly


I’ve looked and can’t find anything like the problem I’m having so thought I’d post to see if anyone has any ideas. I have 8.1.052 installed on Ubuntu 16.04 and am having an odd problem. I’ve created a grid that’s pulling 8 fields from a PostGres table. By default, the last few fields are not included in the grid, so I have to add them with the “fields positioning” tool. I then center some of the data in some of the fields and run the application…but the data is not getting centered. If I work on another application and come back to the original one, my last fiew fields are no longer included, so I have to go use the “fields positioning” tool again. It’s like the information is not being saved into the correct spot. In the SQL area, I had a field that was seconds divided by 60 to get minutes. When I changed the SQL to only show me the seconds (I just removed the /60), and ran the grid, it still showed me minutes…again, as if the changes are not being pushed to the app properly. To make sure I wasn’t losing it, I copied the SQL and created a new grid, and pasted the SQL into the grid and the data was displayed correctly…

I checked the permissions in /home/myaccount/Netmake/v81/wwwroot/scriptcase/app/myproject and they were 755 to daemon:daemon. So I changed the permissions recursively to 777 and also added myself to the daemon group, but still having the same problem. The changes I am making in the design of the app are not being reflected when I run it. I tried deleting the app folder in /home/myaccount/Netmake/v81/wwwroot/scriptcase/app/myproject and then running the app from scriptcase (to regenerate the app code) and still it’s not reflecting the changes I’ve made (centering data in fields, sql changes e.t.c.). When I go back to look at the code / settings, my changes are saved…but running the app, it does not reflect the changes.

Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong? I’ve been using Scriptcase for years and have never seen this before.

Thanks in advance!


Hi @mslatter

I think it is not the problem with file server permission. If you write an SQL procedure for saving data on event called onRecord or use PHP or any button to execute SQL save data statement, it should allow to save your data.

Make sure your data should have correct format with your database column format. specially date fields are sensetive to the data.

I would suggest to creat extra field on the table which will save the data of the calculated fields of the grid.

please share the screen shot of your grid and the how you want the data to be save, We might be able to provide you better solution.


Alright Naresh, thanks for the feedback. I will generate a screen shot of both the grid and the scriptcase interface to better present the problem. Thanks for the feedback!..Mark

Hi mslatter,
I have similar problems with my grids. The problem cames when there’re error in main sql or you change it after generate the app. It seems the main sql is never refreshed again when you changed, it gets always the query that produces the error. The only way to solve this, was to inject several fails in the main query (by example adding SELECTaoghaogha or inexistent fields) to force grid generator to refresh it. When the change is reflected in the error message, then I edit again the main sql with the working query and it refreshed well after that.
Hope this will help you.
PD-. You mus enable debug sql mode to yes to get the generated sql every time you generate the app.

Well after more work on this, I realize the example I gave above is not a scriptcase problem but more of a LOFT problem. The first image shows the detailed settings, and the second image shows the summary setting…which has it’s own layout! I’ll watch for the problems continuing and see if it’s tied to a similar problem. Thanks for your help none the less!