I have a grid that displays the customer statement (open balance of unpaid invoices). With some customers if I click the “Show Details” icon it works and display the detail… With other customer the statement show records but when click on the same details icon the detail does not display… What can be wrong??? Thanks for your help.
I found the cause but don’t know if it is a bug in scriptcase or what can I do to solve it: The problem is all those customers that have an apostrophe (’) in the name (say: Ben’s, Pepe’s, etc) for some reason scriptcase gets “lost” and don’t execute the correct select statement to retrieve the details of the records whose customer name contains (’). Any help or solution is welcomed. Thanks.
It’s not a scripcase issue, but a php issue. See http://php.net/manual/en/function.addslashes.php for more info regarding this and possible solutions. I would like to see an option at every field to do an escapequote thought.
The bigger question is why you are using the customer name
And not the customer id as the link to the record
And if you aren’t using a customer id in the table
You should, integers never have quotes
My 2 cents…
Well, I saw it coming: We use the customer name because the records we import into the database (through an interface routine) come with just the customer name the bookeeping software used (the one that contains the original data) do not use customer numbers as keys… too bad I know.
Albert, thank you for the info, I’ll take a look at it.
well you can create an autoincrement in the db for records…
or do you overwrite data every day?
No, there is no overwrite. Just append… As for the auatoincrement, I could create it but I don’t see how can I link this autoincrement field to the customer name. I was thinking about an internal “customer acct number” and create a table to map this to the customer name. Like filling in internally with a code what should come as a given but did not come (the customer number). Thanks.
I think your missing the point
You can use the auto increment field as the key
You can even display the customer name in the field
Using a lookup
If you can generate the SQL of the tables
You are using and what you are doing
I can show you what I mean
Feel free to MSG me