Help on deploy to production

I need help urgently… i’m new here…

I’m trying to deploy the an app, but it doesn’t pass from this:

What I do is deploy locally, then use filezilla to upload. Never fails and is waaayyyy faster. Hope this helps.

already have online, but don’t pass this step. (already all deployed on a zip file and unziped on the online server)…

Oh, this is the first step. Verify the folder rights. The must have rw.

Solved. thanks @aducom

If you’re using cPanel, open the Terminal and run these commands to change the folder and file permissions for all items in your unpacked location:
[your@cpanel ~]$ find ./public_html/your_site.your_sites_extension/any_other_folders/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} ;
[your@cpanel ~]$ find ./public_html/your_site.your_sites_extension/any_other_folders/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} ;