HELP !! Really stuked - I did not find any solution till now ;-((((

Hi all,
I beg an urgent help becouse I’m really stucked and I don’t know what to do next and customer is waiting for a prompt solution.
I did an upgrade to last version with fresh installation of SC .13 Php 5.4

Today I’ve a problem with my customers about a query did hundreds times before.
If I run it directly from myphpadmin it works nice. So the query is correct and also the file content.

I I run it from SC it does nothing .
Can sc_exec_sql($load_sql); generate problems ? It seems that as it is not run.
Php ??
Path has been modified with new v71 path and the file seems correct to.
I’m really stucked !
Many thanks

Down here there is the loaded query showed by SC debug but it seems correct.

load data local infile ‘C:/Program Files (x86)/Scriptcase/v71/wwwroot/scriptcase/file/doc/my_upload_file_fmi/MC_tesserati_X0179DEA_NEW.csv’ INTO TABLE members_file_fmi_input FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘,’ OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY ‘"’ LINES TERMINATED BY ’ ’ IGNORE 1 LINES (Cod_Meccanografico , Tessera , Nuo_Rin , Cognome , Nome , Sesso , Data_Nascita , Luogo_Nascita , Indirizzo , Cap , Citta , Provincia , Data_Rilascio , Cod_MC , Motoclub , Telefono , Cellulare , Email , Cittadinanza , Residenza , Dirigente, year_card_actual) SET Data_Nascita = str_to_date(Data_Nascita, ‘%d%m%Y’), Data_Rilascio = str_to_date(Data_Rilascio, ‘%d%m%Y’), Motoclub = trim(Motoclub), Cod_Meccanografico = trim(Cod_Meccanografico), Dirigente = IF (Dirigente <> ‘’, Dirigente, ‘’) , year_card_actual = concat(‘20’ , LEFT (Tessera, 2)), Provincia = (SELECT county_ID FROM counties WHERE code = Provincia AND language_code = ‘it_IT’)

This is the SC code:

$load_sql = “load data local infile ‘$npath1’
INTO TABLE members_file_fmi_input FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘,’

(Cod_Meccanografico , Tessera , Nuo_Rin , Cognome , Nome , Sesso , Data_Nascita , Luogo_Nascita , Indirizzo , Cap , Citta , Provincia ,
Data_Rilascio , Cod_MC , Motoclub , Telefono , Cellulare , Email , Cittadinanza , Residenza , Dirigente,
SET Data_Nascita = str_to_date(Data_Nascita, ‘%d%m%Y’),
Data_Rilascio = str_to_date(Data_Rilascio, ‘%d%m%Y’),
Motoclub = trim(Motoclub),
Cod_Meccanografico = trim(Cod_Meccanografico),
Dirigente = IF (Dirigente <> ‘’, Dirigente, ‘’) ,
year_card_actual = concat(‘20’ , LEFT (Tessera, 2)),
Provincia = (SELECT county_ID FROM counties
WHERE code = Provincia AND language_code = ‘[my_language_CG]’)
