Help scriptcase Connection Error error_profile_test_module

im getting this error whenever i try to create a connection for the webpage, im using iis on windows server 2019 ( i also tried on windows 10 and got the same problem).
tried using two connections, MSSQL server ODBC and MSSQL server NATIVE SRV, both have the same issue.
any ideas on why this is happening?

Me pasa lo mismo, al querer configurar el ambiente de producción con SQL Server

Maybe you have to install Sql Server PHP drivers and enable in IIS?
All options available in PHP manager / IIS manager

Thank you, I will follow your recommendation

@aabboud Did you fix the issue?
Because I have the same issue. And I would appreciate if someone could provide update and give step by step instruction

You can download PHP drivers directly from M$ site. Google on “Sql Server Php Drivers” and choose the right version for you.
After that you must enable the extensions in PHP manager

Hi! I can’t resolve the issue. Any details instruction?

I did it with an ODBC 64bits, works a little bit slow but it’s working

i think it depend on your apache version, even your pc installed 64 bit, but when your apache 32 bit you can add extension sql server using 32 bit also.
yoi can downlaod sql server php extension on ms website.
add your line code in php.ini or something else
like this