helpcase, SC HelpCase error each time the menu option is opened

Thank you to anyone who can help me with this error message…

unlink(/xxxxxxx/NetMake/v8/wwwroot/scriptcase/devel/conf/grp/xxxxxxmydirxxxxxx/helpcase/source/myhelp/_images): Is a directory | Script: /opt/NetMake/v8/wwwroot/scriptcase/devel/class/page/nmPageHelpCaseFileManager.class.php linha: 407

whenever I open the webCase menu option in sc menu => tools => HelpCase I receive this error message. Does anyone know “WHY” I would be getting this error? Is it a SC Bug… or what?

I am running…
SC V 8.00.0024 on Debian 6 x64

Thanks again!
Stu Buck
Phoenix AZ


It’s a internal error of scriptcase.
But, at first sight, the error only occuor in the linux ( debian ) because my environment is debain too, in the windows the error don’t occuor.
I already told for one of ours developers to verify and correct it.

Hello, thanks for writing in. This error was identified and fixed locally.
Our test team should validate it and release it within the next updates.
