Highlight 'Required' fields in code

Hello Devs,
I’m wondering if there is a way to identify the ‘Required’ fields on a form in the code, so they can be highlighted dynamically in an event.
Thanks for your input.

different clients will require different fields be ‘required’, thus the need to do this in event code.
Thanks for any ideas you might have.

Put the code in the OnValidate event

if ( $client == "Client1 ) {
if ( empty( {myfield} ) {
sc_error_message( "Hey Client1 you need to fill this field ");

Thanks for your response Vincenzo,
This would work, on clicking the SAVE.
I would like to also HIGHLIGHT the field, by changing the background color to YELLOW if possible. Or setting the label color to RED.
Is this possible?

you could put some code in OnScriptinit or OnLoad, like this:

if ( true ) {

$( document ).ready(function() {
	$("#id_sc_field_name").css("background-color", "yellow");
	$("#id_label_name").css("background-color", "yellow");


writing code in OnScriptinit maybe gives some problems in navigation, make some tests.
#id_sc_field_filedname is the input box id_label_fieldname is the label, now you can control which field change.

Good day Vincenzo,
This works perfectly!
This not only solves my issue but opens up other possibilities.
Thank you very much!

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Now I have another question please.
How can I identify in code, all the required fields? And run this code for each field?
Thank you.

I don’t know, I haven’t see any class or other to identify input fileds required.

There is this in the page source:
in the label section of a field that is REQUIRED.
Then several line thereafter there is:
id=“id_sc_field_fieldname” that goes with the above label w/ the Required class.

I don’t know how to do it but I believe there is a way to start at the scFormRequireddMarkOdd class, proceed looking for the id=“id_sc_field_fieldname” and use that to perform the highlight.
I just don’t know enough about JQuery and JS to make it happen. But I will be looking into it to see if we can make this happen.
Open for any input you all may be able & willing to contribute.

try this js function

	// $( ".scFormRequiredMarkOdd" ).closest('td').css( "border", "3px solid red" );

	$( ".scFormRequiredMarkOdd" ).closest('td').each( function( ) {
		var idtd = this.id;
		if ( idtd.includes( 'hidden_field_data_') ) {
			var fldid = 'id_sc_field_' + idtd.replace('hidden_field_data_','' );
			$("#"+fldid).css("background-color", "yellow");
	} );

Hello Vincenzo,
This is some really neat js coding.
I only had to change one thing to get it to work. I changed the ‘hidden_field_data’ to ‘hidden_field_label’ and the code works for fields where the Labels are on the same line as the field. It doesn’t work for fields that have the labels above the field.
I haven’t found a way to make work for both layouts yet but I will keep looking.
Thanks for giving this direction.

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Hello JS devs,
Vencenzo was kind and provided the above js code that works for input fields that are in blocks with the label position ‘Beside’.
But this line: $( “.scFormRequiredMarkOdd” ).closest(‘td’).each( function( ) {
fails to find fields that are in blocks with labels set to display ‘Above’.
I am pretty ignorant when it comes to JS but I have been trying everything I can think of to get this to work.
Any ideas or direction would be greatly appreciated.