Highlighting "Today"

Is there a method to highlight the current day in the Month View? I would like to somehow highlight the current date - either a message or offset color or similar.


It’s been months but still no answers? :frowning: Does anyone use calendar from Scriptcase?

Did you resolve this?

I’m AFK right now, but maybe you can check for “today” class to see if there is some fast way to detect “today”, and overwrite the CSS. Another way is to scan the screen to look for “today”, but I’m just thinking without being sure, I’m not in front of my keyboard and cant like ok into the code generated

The way I did it was to modify the CSS and add a new entry.
I use my own theme so have a CSS for the calendar called my_blue_01_appcalendar.css

On inspecting today in the calendar app you will see fc_today defined as a style

But on inspecting the CSS you will see no style set, so i just added a style for fc_today at the end of the CSS…
.fc-today { background-color: #00f; color: #f00; font-family: Lucida Grande,Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 12px }