Hints for connecting SC form and db to several barcode readers

Hello all,

I got a request to develop a little project about the tracking of test tubes (hospital laboratory).
I need to have the possibility to intercep barcode strings coming from barcode readers spread out in different H departments.
The barcode reader corresponds to a phase of a process… OK ?

I have to develop a form where the operator can entry some field manually and/or filling a field with a reading that barcode had done.
Due to the fact the not always there is a pc connected to barcode reader but they can be spread and connected only to network I have the problem to
receive and store the strings as new records. They miss many info as the manual entry does but I got the mininum info that is the barcode ID code.
Do you know blood test tubes… many IDs x one person and x many people… They come thousand every hours…

Not being programmer I really have no idea how can I listen to specific ports within the network using SCfirst and second how can I add the record of these barcode strings without a data entry.

Many thanks for hints